HonorBound Motorcycle Ministries Operations Manual
Regional areas may be established by the HBMM National Leadership Team as needed to provide districts and churches with contact information for an AGUSM HBMM Motorcycle Chaplain to aide them in establishing HBMM in the local churches and to provide resources for each district in a systematic manner. Regional boundaries do not prevent districts or local churches from contacting and working with any AGUSM HBMM Chaplain that they choose.
Note: The regional responsibilities of each Motorcycle Chaplain do not preclude their working at motorcycle events in other regions. Large national biker events generally need the work and support of many, if not all, of the Motorcycle Chaplains from AG US Missions. These regions do not limit chaplains serving as US Missionaries from receiving support from other regions. Churches are encouraged to support missionaries from all regions.
These regions show which chaplain will be responsible
1. For affirming all new members in a region
2. As your point of contact for new groups
To know which chaplain to contact for your region check out this map: