HonorBound Motorcycle Ministries Operations Manual
Local Church & Multi-Church Chapters
Discipline of Chapter/Members
Local chapters must police themselves to guarantee that the national ministry’s integrity is upheld in the biker/motorcycle community. Any member that returns to using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco should be asked to turn their patch in for the prescribed time before re-issuing the patch. Failure to comply should be reported to a Motorcycle Chaplain serving on the National Leadership Team.
As with any organization, it is inevitable that there be differences from time to time. If an irresolvable dispute occurs, follow these guidelines:
1. Inform pastor of the situation causing concern. Multi Church chapters should report to host church pastor who should inform other church pastors involved.
2. Pastor(s) and/or church leadership will investigate concern and attempt to resolve the difficulty. Findings and action will be reported to HBMM District Leadership and if applicable to the HBMM National Leadership Team.
3. If required, the HBMM District Leadership and/or HBMM National Leadership Team may respond with a phone call, visit, or letter to try to clear up the situation. If there is no resolution reached, pastors may choose to suspend, restrict, or terminate the offending party’s membership or place the member on suspension. A written copy of the final decision will be sent to the national leadership team.
4. If a member is placed on suspension it will be for at least 30 days but no longer than 90 days. At the end of the specified period, if the situation is not rectified the local leadership will make a recommendation to the national office and membership will be revoked. If the offense is cleared up, the suspension will be lifted.
5. The pastor(s) will notify the chapter membership of the final decision.