HonorBound Motorcycle Ministries Operations Manual
Organizational Structure
Local Church & Multi-Church Chapters
Members coming in from other groups
other MM, MA, RC, or MC
Verify if members are out good with their previous group
If not, find out what it would take for the potential member to make things right
Make sure previous leadership is ok with the move
If not, how could this be achieved
Waiting period before they can be patched HBMM should be discussed with previous leadership, but the following are our standards:
- Ministry Association (MA)
No waiting period unless requested by previous group. - Riding Club (RC)
No waiting period unless requested by previous group. - Motorcycle Ministries (MM)
Six months unless requested by previous group. - Christian Motorcycle Club (MC)
Six months unless requested by previous group. - Secular Motorcycle Club (MC)
One year unless approved by previous group.