With over nine million bikers in the United States, there is an incredible window of opportunity for us… IF we are willing to move out of our comfort zone and embrace the biker and motorcyclists in our communities. By developing a heart for this overlooked group, we can REACH bikers and motorcyclists with the gospel, TRAIN Christian motorcyclists in evangelism and discipleship, and BUILD a network of churches who are enthusiastic about this unusual ministry
We know that without acceptance and a nurturing church connection, new believers may not develop spiritual maturity. To combat this, AG US Missions Motorcycle Chaplains and HonorBound Motorcycle Ministries are committed to helping you take the next step in developing a ministry strategy for reaching motorcycle enthusiasts everywhere.
Why This Site?
Members will be able to log in and participate in the forum, blogs, calendar, and download manuals and applications.
Overlooked People
The “motorcycle” culture of today still has some of those aspects… but so much more.
HonorBound MM is a ministry to REACH bikers and motorcyclists with the gospel, to TRAIN Christian motorcyclists in evangelism and discipleship, and to BUILD a network of churches who are enthusiastic about this unusual ministry.
Operation Manual Highlights
HBMM Purpose
HBMM’s purpose is to make disciples, according to the great commission, from within the biker and motorcycle enthusiast cultures in the United States of America.
General Guidelines
Guidelines include:
Requirements For Membership, What We Believe, Methods Of Ministry, Colors (patch),
& How To Apply For Membership
Organizational Stucture
HonorBound MM is a ministry therefore it has a credentialed chaplain led structure rather than the typical structure of national officers. It is led by US Missionary Motorcycle Chaplains.
Artwork Guidelines
HonorBound Motorcycle Ministry is the exclusive owner of all materials produced with HBMM artwork and as such has the right to control and/or approve any of its uses.
Artwork for approved uses is available from the HBMM National Leadership Team
Ministry Recommendations
Recommendations For Churches Interested In Beginning Ministry To Motorcyclists.
It begins at three different/overlapping levels:
- Fellowship
- Evangelism
- Discipleship
Servus Fidelis
The HBMM SERVUS FIDELIS exists to reach the lifestyle biker culture. Members must be HBMM members for at least a year and then earn the patch through additional work and vetting supervised by the regional chaplain.
Members of the HBMM SERVUS FIDELIS wear the HBMM patch and the SERVUS FIDELIS bar.
A Church Based Ministry
Requires a Pastoral Endorsement verifying…