This site is intended to give all HonorBound MM members a place to go for information regarding the national motorcycle ministry of the Assemblies of God.
Members will be able to log in and participate in the forum, blogs, calendar, and download manuals and applications.
Everything is not here yet, but as the site is developed here are a few of the things you will be able to do here.
MANUAL: The complete updated manual will be on site to read and will include downloadable copies in both full size and in a half page booklet size to print out.
APPLICATIONS: Up-to-date application and pastoral endorsement forms that can be downloaded, filled out, and printed out from your computer.
CALENDAR: A calendar to post local and national events so that we all know what is going on. It may even allow members to let others know which events they will be a part of.
BLOGS: Blog pages for the members of the national leadership team, including, Russ Cockrum, R. Duane Gryder, Curtis Hubbell, Keith Turcotte, and Howard Raney. Plus upcoming team member Wayne Evans.
Forum: We are also looking at setting up a new forum that would be integrated with this site. We will add existing forum members to the new forum when created.