Dear friends,
As we prepare for another riding season I am excited about where God is taking Thunder Road Ministries (TRM). As usual we have had some great opportunities for ministry in unusual situations.
It has been fulfilling to follow God as He opens new doors and closes others. I wish I were able to do all the work I see around me, but just as Christ said in His time, "the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few."
Sometimes I struggle with the difference between noticing a need and hearing the call of God. This is an issue everyone of us must resolve. Are we doing what God has actually called us to do, or are we just scrambling around trying to meet the many needs we see around us everyday.
I am amazed that when Christ had the power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and set the captive free, He spent a lot of his time training just twelve men. There must have been criticism of how He spent His time. So many needs yet he devoted so much time to such a small group of people. He did minister to the masses on occasion, but even some that he miraculously touched were told to keep quiet about it. I know that Christ kept His priorities right. He was here to do the will of God even though it would end His life in the prime of His ministerial career.
As a missionary to Bikers and their families I am constantly trying to balance the existence of needs with the specific call of God on my life. We have attempted to stay true to God's leading and are seeing results. 2011 was a challenging year. We have made strategic changes. God has opened doors for new ventures even when our resources seem to be stretched thin. This is to keeps me remembering who actually brings success and am happy to report that we have successfully gone through new ministry doors as God has enabled.
I encourage you to not just notice needs and react. Pray that God will guide you into the exact role He has for you in His kingdom. Whether the task be large and noticeable or seemingly small and insignificant it is great in the kingdom when it is at God's direction. Whatever work God has for you to do, do it as though it can change the world. With God's help it will.